Bioclear is a minimally invasive and cost effective treatment using clear forms which are filled with a composite material matched to the shade of your teeth. The forms are removed leaving behind smooth contoured composite that has a beautiful shine that is smooth to the touch. The form sits just below the gum line, meaning the teeth will appear to emerge naturally. The tight contact achieved with this system mean that the gum in between the teeth is hugged back in place, revealing a healthy and youthful smile.
The Bioclear treatment is also perfect for closing diastemas (the vertical gap in between teeth). Though a diastems is considered harmless, meaning it rarely affects dental health, some people want to close those smile gaps. Using the clear forms and composite bonding, your dentist can transform your smile with a very natural finish.
Another common dislike among patients can be undersized lateral or peg laterals. This is where the tooth has not grown to its full capacity making the smile line look uneven. Due to the excellent quality of shaded composite material coupled with the Bioclear system, these teeth can be built up to reveal an aesthetically symmetrical smile.
From 2024 Bioclear